Bach Flowers Course
8 modules + 1 complimentary module
Learn about Edward Bach himself and how he developed these remedies. Learn about the philosophies that underpin the flower essences and delve into the power of energetic medicine. Learn about each remedy in detail. Learn how the remedies are made and how to dispense them.

- Course content is structured in a progressive manner for easy comprehension
- Each module has its own set of exercises to enhance you learning and retention
- Modules 1 to 7 and 9, include videos, handouts and readings to broaden your understanding
- All course material is available online 24/7 and can be accessed using any device
- You are welcome to study online from anywhere in your own time at your own pace
- All who complete the course will be awarded with a certificate of completion
Bach Flowers Module 1
Explore the life of Dr. Bach and how he developed his beautiful flower essences and the philosophies behind them.
Bach Flowers Module 2
Explore energetic medicine and the effects of placebo and how they relate to Bach Flowers. Understand how the remedies are made and dispensed.
Bach Flowers Module 3
What is Psychoneuroimmunology, and how does this relate to Bach Flowers. Find out how to put together the remedies and dispense them for use.
Bach Flowers Module 4
We start to look at the impact of stress and fear on our lives and the Remedies that can support us. As well we look at the Remedies for those who suffer from uncertainty.
Bach Flowers Module 5
Examines the difference between depressed or despondent and the remedies to support this. Understand how to care without over-caring and the remedies to support this.
Bach Flowers Module 6
How do we stay present? Meet the remedies for those who find this difficult. We also learn about loneliness and over-sensitivity and the remedies that can support these difficulties.
Bach Flowers Module 7
Now you have gone through the 38 Bach Flowers – revise with a remedy test and find the answers to each Bach Flower.
Bach Flowers Module 8
Set the scene for consultations and learn how to be an active listener and get your message across. Again, we review how to identify the remedies with 50 practice case scenarios.
Bach Flowers Module 9
Learn about the connection between the Healing Bach Flowers, Tissue Salts, and the 12 Astrological signs. Cover what Medical Astrology is and which tissue salts and Bach Flowers can be supportive of each of the 12 signs.
Sue Stevens
Hi, my name is Sue Stevens, and I am a naturopath, nutritionist, herbalist and massage therapist. I have been working in the complementary health field since 1992.
Learning about Bach Flowers was one of the very first subjects I took in my undergraduate degree. I loved learning about this gentle and profound therapy, and I have used these flower essences professionally and personally ever since.
The 38 Bach Flower Remedies can be used by anyone, both laypeople and professionals, as Dr. Bach himself intended. Learn about Dr. Bach and how to use his wonderful system of Flower Remedies to balance our physical, mental, and emotional sides to promote health and wholeness. It is with this idea that I have written 9 modules on Dr. Bach and his Bach flowers.