Thrive Through Menopause and beyond.
What you will learn in our 6-week program
Each week we will have a different topic that is foundational is ‘recalibrating’ your body to enable you to gain control and learn to Thrive Through Menopause.
- A natural all-encompassing approach to the issues that face us in menopause.
- Food is medicine – Healthy dietary suggestions are given; highlights include menu plans and shopping lists /specific foods for different conditions providing a road to health and well-being.
- Understand what to eat and why it will help? (This can influence the whole family)
- Work towards a world without craving different foods, find an eating plan to sustain you.
- Relaxation and movement are sides of the same coin – Learn what to do and when to do what?
- Digestion can be an issue at any age – discover how to eat to have a heathy gut and microbiome and thrive from within!
- Sleep is fundamental for health, so resolving sleep issues is key to your success, learn what disrupts sleep and what steps you (and the whole family) can do to wake refreshed.
- Stress is inevitable – suffering is optional? Find ways to combat the effects of living a 21st century-life.
- Find specific ways to make good habits and break bad ones and maintain your newfound health routine!
- Understand your symptoms, from brain fog to weight loss and everything in between and work out your goals so you can thrive through menopause and beyond…..
I have long thought that we all need our own personal ‘cheer squad’ to support us to gain and sustain great health. It is with this in mind I have assembled a team of experts to guide and support you though this unique program.

Day 1 W0 Comprehensive Guide
Meet the Thrive Through Menopause Team / The Structure of the Program

DAY 2 W0 The Mechanics of Menopause
Day 2 The Mechanics of Menopause – Find out what is going on. Different Types of Menopause / Symptoms You May Experience

Day 3 W0 What can I do to gain control
Day 3 What can I do to gain control? 5 tips to take control / Track Your Progress / Preventative Health Screening to Do Now

Day 4 W0 Strategies for Motivation and Achieving Success
Day 4 Strategies for Motivation and Achieving Success. 4 Steps to Success / Suggestions for Breaking a Bad Habit / Suggestions for Building and Sticking to New Habits / Motivation, Willpower and Rewards

Day 5 W0 Resetting Digestion Suggestions
Day 5 Resetting Digestion Suggestions / Tips for Choosing Food That Promotes Healthy Digestion / The Importance of Staying Hydrated

Day 1 W1 Med Diet Guidelines
Day 1 Dietary Guidelines to Support you to Thrive Through Menopause / Simple swaps / A day on a plate – Food suggestions / Eating clean and seasonally / FAQ’s

Day 2 W1 Resetting Some Dietary Habits
Day 2 Nutrients and Nutrition for Menopause and Various Diets – Which nutrients are essential in Menopause? / What are they and which is best for you? / Let’s go through some dietary considerations – Vegetarian Plant-based Diets / Gluten Free / Dairy Free

Day 3 W1 Why Do We Eat So Much?
Day 3 Portions – Why do we eat so much? / Detail on Maconutrients / Portion control – What should my plate l? / What exactly is a Serve?

Day 4 W1 Nutrients and Nutrition for Menopause
Day 5 Resetting Some Dietary Habits for Menopausal Health / A word on fasting – Fasting explained / Recapping Chrono-Nutrition

Day 5 W1 Fluid Intake
Why is water so important? / Stay hydrated without drinking water / The Prefect Storm – All things about caffeine / All things about alcohol – How to enjoy either or both and not suffer?

Day 1 W2 Stress and Skewed Hormones
Day 1 Mechanics of Stress – Stress health effects explained / Stress and sleep / Brain fog – Am I imaging this? / How Do We Assess Stress?

Day 2 W2 Mindfulness
Day 2 Mechanics of Mindfulness – What Drives Eating Mindlessly? / Emotional eating support / Questions to Ask to Become a More Mindful Eater / Create a mindful eating environment.

Day 3 W2 Breath work
Day 3 The Mechanics of Breath Work – Wait, don’t we all breathe? / What’s breathing going to help with? / How does breathing do all that? / Learn to breathe

Day 4 W2 Vagus Nerve Support
Day 4 What is Adrenal Fatigue? – How can we combat adrenal fatigue? / The Vagus Nerve (The Relaxation Nerve) / The Role of the Vagus Nerve in Stress (and how to stimulate the Vagal Tone)/ Summary of ideas to calm and stress less.

Day 5 W2 Well-being at Work
Day 5 Stress Less at Work – Warning signs your stressed at work / Solutions to cope? / Look for Work Satisfaction & Meaning

Day 1 W3 The Importance of Sleeping Soundly
Day 1 The Importance of Sleeping Soundly – The Mechanics of Sleep / Causes of Insomnia – Sleep disruptors to consider

Day 2 W3 How We can Combat Stress
Day 2 How We Can Combat Stress and Sleep Soundly? What about food? / How to do a Circadian Rhythm Reset / Sleep hygiene – Tips to promote quality sleep

Day 3 W3 Mechanics of Hot Flushes
Day 3 Mechanics of Hot Flushes and Sleep Disturbances – Hot Flushes – What makes it worse? What can make it better? / Helpful Nutrients and Other Considerations to Decrease Hot Flushes

Day 4 W3 What Else Can We do to Balance Hormones?
Day 4 What Else Can We Do to Balance Hormones? (and decrease hot flushes!) / How do phytoestrogens work? / To soy or sot to Soy – That is the question.

Day 5 W3 Other Hormone Disruptors
Day 5 Hormone Disruptors to Get Rid Of (and decrease hot flushes!) / Hot flush summary

Day 1 W4 Why is fitness important?
Day 1 – Why is fitness important? What are the Different Types of Exercise? / Best time to train / Who to consult about exercise?

Day 2 W4 How much exercise do we need?
Day 2 – How much exercise do we need? Track what you do / How Do I know What Level of Intensity I am Exercising At? / What is a Good Exercise Prescription? / Try a Stepwise Approach to Exercise

Day 3 W4 Mechanics of Joints
Day 3 – Mechanics of Joints – Why are my joints sore and aching? / Pain Relief – Both over the counter and Herbal and Nutritional Options

Day 4 W4 Joint Nutrition
Day 4 – Joint Nutrition – The Importance of Diet for Joint Health / Foods and nutrients to reduce pain and inflammation? / Which Nutrients are Important for Joint Health? / A word on the deadly nightshades.

Day 5 W4 Is an Exercise Routine so Hard to Keep?
Day 5 – Why is an Exercise Routine so Hard to Keep? Exercise excuses / Exercise solutions / Making and achieving new habits

Day 1 W5 Is Ageing a Disease?
Can we ‘Cure’ it? Okay, so what about anti-ageing products? / Let’s look at health span, rather than life span

Day 2 W5 Emotional aspect of menopause
Day 2 Emotional Aspect of Menopause – I Feel Invisible / How can we manage our emotions? / When should we accept help? / We all have a negative inner voice / Live life on life’s terms

Day 3 W5 Body image in menopause
Day 3 Body image in Menopause – Oh, do we have to talk about that? / The elephant in the room / Build a new image

Day 4 W5 Confidence
Day 4 Confidence – Why Do I Lack Confidence? Great, How Do I Get Confidence? Work through 9 great strategies to (re)gain confidence!